X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS) and X-ray Emission Spectroscopy (XES)

XAFS and XES are versatile elementally-selective techniques that offer insight into key material properties. These techniques are widely used across the sciences, from identifying minerals to evaluating device performance. Over the past 50 years, XAFS and XES have been largely restricted to large-scale synchrotron facilities. While these facilities offer high-flux and energy resolution, the limited number of synchrotrons worldwide restricts access to XAFS and XES. By bringing research-grade measurements into the laboratory, EasyXAFS instruments offer to propel materials testing.
Broad Elemental Sensitivity
With our line of hard x-ray spectrometers and the Brimstone tender x-ray spectrometer, easyXAFS instruments can measure a significant portion of the periodic table.

Tender X-ray instruments cover all the highlighted elements
Hard X-ray instruments cover all the highlighted elements
Tender XES
(2-5 keV)

Wide Ranging Applications

The easyXAFS spectrometer capabilities are well suited to solve today's technological challenges. Combining elemental and chemical sensitivity, the easyXAFS instruments offer insights into materials commonly used in batteries, catalysts, electronics, and more.
Basic Material Chemistry
Energy Storage